Post magazine
Concept development, visual identity, illustration and editorial design for 10 editions of the University College Utrecht alumni magazine.
In collaboration with:
Thijs van Himbergen, Kiran Coleman, Leonie Hussaarts, Iris Otto, Indra Sponk-Baas, Januschka Veldstra, Sarah Carmichael
For the alumni association of University College Utrecht (UCAA), we were asked to develop a new name, concept and design for their biannual magazine. The main starting point was to rethink the approach of the magazine, 'by alumni' not just 'for alumni', to make it more interesting to read, also for a wider audience. We knew that the UCU alumni community had a lot to say, and we wanted to set up the magazine as a platform to entice them to write more in-depth articles about their fields of interest, thoughts, experiences, and placing this into a broader context.

Collaborative approach
Next to more substantial articles we also wanted to feature more photography, design & illustration. We also came up with various collaborative projects to feature and direct the creativity of the alumni community. An example of this is Phofography, for which we created a blog roll where alumni could post their ‘failed photographs’. Dozens of alumni participated and through various social media channels we crowdsourced a large collection of ‘phofographs‘ which we featured in the 2012 winter edition of Post magazine.
Developing 10 editions
Post magazine is a project that combines many facets of the (collaborative) creative process: graphic & editorial design, creative writing, illustration, photography, project development.