pretty nice shirts & stuff
Co-founding a t-shirt company featuring screenprinted t-shirts that aren’t really nice, they’re pretty nice.
With Thijs van Himbergen
With pretty nice shirts we set out on a quest to perfect imperfection. Our goal: to show people that not everything in life has to be perfect, things can just be pretty nice and that's okay. We settled on a palette of black and white, created some random t-shirt designs and haphazardly screenprinted onto crispy white shirts. All ingredients for a good time.
From the shirt designs to packaging, web design to illustration, this is our baby. Not only does this project train our creative minds, it also quenches our entrepreneurial thirsts.
pretty nice shirts - the website
Our website features a bunch of odd layout choices, some hand-drawn squiggly lines craving to be straight, a personality determinator to determine the shirt that suits you based on your personality, random doodles and cartoons. Incidentally, it is also possible to order the shirts using our webshop, if you can find your way through the jungle of order forms.
Pretty Nice Shirts - the video
Staying true to our pretty niceness we also created a video to show our daily routine of making a pretty nice shirt.
T-shirt designs
These pretty nice designs are not really nice, and that's okay. Inspired by hand movements, tangled-up power cables, psychedelic cacti, beautifully legged ladies and fried finger food. There's prettyniceness all around.
Re:usable - pretty nice packaging
For pretty nice shirts we wanted to develop reusable packaging to be able to send our shirts around the world. It needed to be strong enough to withstand the postal service and small enough to fit in the mailbox. It started off with making a template and collecting a bunch of old boxes. The next step was cutting it up, folding it inside out to create a plain packaging surface to stamp all over and then sticking it back together with super sticky tape.